Townhall II Integrated Health Network is continually looking for ways to create a positive impact in our community. These outreach services were formed through discussions with community members and by identifying areas where we felt we could make a positive change. If you see an area of need in the community, please talk to us and we can work together to make good things happen.
Recovery-Friendly Workplace
This Townhall II initiative is designed to challenge the stigma of substance use disorders (SUDs) while empowering workplaces to provide support for employees in recovery. When a recovery-friendly environment is created, people in recovery, and those impacted by substance abuse, can thrive. It shines a light on employee health, wellness and safety, while demonstrating a commitment to reducing the negative stereotypes often associated with addiction.
The Recovery-Friendly Workplace program is for employers looking to hire more staff while establishing, or improving, recovery-friendly workplace policies. It also benefits individuals with SUDs by matching their skill set with an employer who needs them.
Participating in the program will provide employers with:
- Training on how to create and support a recovery culture for all employees.
- A Recovery-Friendly Advisor who will help businesses meet their needs while maintaining a recovery-friendly workplace.
- Connection with a wide range of community prevention, treatment and recovery resources.
Participation and Cost
There is no cost for any business or organization to participate in the Recovery-Friendly Workplace program.
Townhall II has obtained a grant from the Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services to assist local employers in finding a dedicated workforce, which in turn, helps support improved treatment outcomes for our clients.
A Recovery-Friendly Advisor will help you with the implementation of the process. This same advisor will assist you with hiring and serve as your main contact if any issues should arise.
Benefits of Becoming a Recovery-Friendly Workplace
You are supporting your employees and creating a healthier environment for them while showing customers and community members that your business is a proactive, valued community partner. In addition, workplaces that implement evidence-based health and safety policies recruit and retain a healthier, more productive and more motivated workforce.
Outcomes for Recovery-Friendly Workplaces include:
- Healthier employees
- Increased productivity
- Less absenteeism
- Reduced turnover
- Increased customer loyalty
- Expanded community connection
- Greater employee satisfaction
- Increased company morale
- Improved communication
- More supportive company culture
Begin implementation by reaching out to Townhall II Integrated Health Network. Call 330-678-3006 and ask for a Recovery-Friendly Workplace Advisor. You may also email
Quick Response Team for Overdose Incidents
The Quick Response Team (QRT) was initiated by Townhall II, in conjunction with Portage County Sheriff Bruce D. Zuchowski, to help combat the Fentanyl overdose epidemic in Portage County, Ohio. The QRT is comprised of detectives from the Portage County Sheriff’s Office’s Drug and Violent Crime Unit that investigate overdoses related to the Fentanyl epidemic. Peer supporters and counselors from Townhall II work in conjunction with detectives and Project DAWN to help the community in times of crisis caused by the epidemic.
What Does the QRT Do?
The QRT will respond to all overdoses within the jurisdiction of the Portage County Sheriff’s Office and assist other jurisdictions within Portage County upon a department’s request.
In the event of a Fentanyl-related fatal overdose, representatives from the QRT will respond to the location, along with partners from Townhall II, to initiate the investigation and provide emotional support and direction to the family and friends of the victim.
In cases of non-fatal Fentanyl overdoses, representatives from the QRT will make contact with the victim within 72 hours of the incident. The victim, and the family of the victim, will be equipped with information from Townhall II concerning treatment options and support..
The QRT will investigate overdoses with all available law enforcement databases and partnerships in order to bring criminal prosecution to those who supplied the victims with the lethal narcotic.
How Can the Community Help?
In order to educate the community, the QRT is available to provide prevention presentations to groups who want to learn more about the Fentanyl epidemic. Project DAWN equips QRT with Naloxone (NARCAN) and training on how to administer the life-saving drug. NARCAN and training are provided free of charge to friends and family of individuals battling Fentanyl addiction. You can pick up NARCAN at Townhall II’s Kent office.
Project Dawn
Project DAWN is a network of naloxone and fentanyl test strip distribution programs coordinated by the Ohio Department of Health.
Emergency Services
We provide 24-hour emergency services designed to respond to immediate needs of people in the Portage County area and to sustain the support systems of communities throughout Ohio.
Overdose FAQ
When a person overloads their body with opioids, sedative effects suppress body functions. Learn about the symptoms of an overdose, why it happens and what you can do to help.
Project Detour: Driver Intervention
Project Detour is an educational, 72-hour, residential, state-certified driver intervention program for individuals, 18 years and older, with a first-time OVI offense.