MAIN: 330-678-3006

HELPLINE: 988 or 330-678-HELP

FAX: 330-677-7047

Victim of Crime Advocacy

We are the Portage County Rape Crisis Center, serving victims of any violent crime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All services for victims of crime are free and confidential.

​Our advocates are dedicated to supporting clients and have specialized training in supporting survivors of violent crime. They make sure that you are heard and believed. Advocates are available 24/7 to provide education on your options and resources as a survivor, and also just to listen.

24-Hour Crisis Helpline: 988 and 330-678-HELP (4357)

  • 24/7 Crisis Hotline to provide support, education and resources.

24-Hour Advocacy

  • 24/7 advocacy to provide in-person support, education and resources in community hospitals and police stations.

Legal Support

​Our advocates are knowledgeable about ways to legally protect yourself and can provide comfort during court hearings. Our advocates offer the following for legal support: ​

  • ​Referrals and assistance with protection orders.
  • Accompaniment to court for criminal justice proceedings.
  • Assistance with the Safe at Home address confidentially program.

Victim of Crime Counseling

​Our mental health counselors specialize in working with victims of crime. They provide a safe environment to help process your thoughts and feeling, reduce stress and help you cope with how the crime has changed your life. These services are free and confidential.

Individual Counseling and Group Counseling 

  • Victims of Crime
  • Survivors of trauma, sexual assault or abuse
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationship issues
  • Stress management

Group to Grow Support Group

​There is always room to grow, so how about a group on that concept? This weekly support group is for women identifying survivors affected by sexual violence. Group to Grow is held at our Ravenna location, at 520 N. Chestnut St., on Wednesdays from 6 – 7:30 p.m.

​​This group is facilitated by victim services advocate Mallen Rush. 

​Inquires about the group can be sent to Mallen Rush at

Rainbow After the Rain Support Group

​The Rainbow After the Rain is an LGBTQIA+ support group with a mission to redefine joy after experiencing trauma. You may already know what the concept of “coming out” is, but did you know that a queer person often comes out numerous times throughout their life?

​Think about it, at job interviews, medical appointments, or just simply meeting new people, LGBTQIA+ individuals will find themselves having to reintroduce every personal part of their self and then must be at the mercy of parties that may not always be receptive of who they are. This unreceptiveness can show itself in name calling, slurs, threats, or even physical violence, just to name a few—and that is only one example of possible queer trauma. LGBTQIA+ people also experience non-queer-related traumas. The hope of this group is that it becomes a safe place to discuss these traumatic experiences where individuals will not have to worry about the possibility of being judged for simply being who they are.

Are you an ally wanting to attend to learn more about the trauma experienced by LGBTQIA+ people, or even participate in the group’s theme of redefining joy? Not quite sure of your gender or your sexuality? You are just as welcome in this space. The rain may symbolize the traumas LGTBQIA+ people are exposed to for simply being LGBTQIA+ in a heteronormative society, but any experienced trauma still falls under the cloud’s umbrella.

Anyone aged 18 or older is welcome to attend this group every Tuesday via Zoom, 6 – 7:30 p.m.

To get the link, or if you have any questions, please contact Mallen at

Portage County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

​Townhall II team members lead a coalition of agencies that serve sexual assault survivors through a variety of multidisciplinary services. Team members can include, but are not limited to, victim advocates, law enforcement officers, forensic medical examiners and prosecutors. The SART works together to ensure that the county has guidelines and protocols in place that prioritize victims’ needs, hold offenders accountable and promote safety and support. The Portage County SART is committed to educating the county on all available services including intervention and prevention of sexual violence and coordinating services.

Safety Plans

​We use safety plans when we feel that a client wants to know how they can be safe in a violent situation. They are used primarily for domestic violence/intimate partner violence clients, but can be used for other victimizations like stalking. Each safety plan is unique, so that they can best adapt to the situation and the people in it. No matter how many safety precautions you take, you can never completely eliminate risk. However, taking steps to reduce risk helps to provide emotional comfort for clients.

The safety plan can address issues of concern for both the client and advocate. It’s important for safety planning to be collaborative since the advocate brings the knowledge of actual safety planning and area resources, while the client brings the experience of their own situation, their unique needs, safety risks and life circumstances. However, it is not mandatory for it to be completed together. Safety planning can be done when the client is choosing to stay in an abusive relationship, when the client is deciding to leave an abusive relationship, or when a client has left, but still faces safety concerns from an abusive ex-partner. Safety plans can be long- or short-term, complex or brief and written or unwritten.

Police Packets

​These packets are provided free of charge and include information regarding varying victimizations, Townhall II’s services, and other area resources. The police departments throughout Portage County who utilize this program are encouraged to provide packets to citizens who have experienced sexual assault, domestic violence or intimate partner violence, stalking, and/or human trafficking. Packets can be requested by emailing Sarah McCully at

Emergency Services

We provide 24-hour emergency services designed to respond to immediate needs of people in the Portage County area and to sustain the support systems of communities throughout Ohio.


Counseling and Clinical Services

Our licensed, professional, caring counselors provide services to help treat those struggling with addictions to drugs and/or gambling as well as those struggling with mental health issues.

Project Detour: Driver Intervention

Project Detour is an educational, 72-hour, residential, state-certified driver intervention program for individuals, 18 years and older, with a first-time OVI offense.


Outreach Services

Outreach Services addresses community needs through it’s Recovery-Friendly Workplace initiative and Quick Response Team, which provides support to the family and friends of fentanyl victims.

United Way
Ohio MHAS logo
Portage County Mental Health and Recovery Board
American Association of Suicidology
CARF Accredation