Welcome to the Townhall II blog, where we post content from our counselors and official sources.
This content has been professionally reviewed and is accurate, up-to-date and relevant.
Helping Clients Find Happiness
by Mike Hovancsek, LPCC-S
This article examines the factors that create happiness in our lives. While our fast-paced society provides many triggers for depression, there are ways to take back control of your happiness and counseling is one method for cultivating hope.
Back when I was in my 20s I knew a guy named Roger who hung wallpaper for a living. The one thing I remember about Roger was that he was always happy. I would often see him on worksites, zipping around with a bounce in his step, singing gleefully under his breath
Body Image: Ghost in the Machine
by Mike Hovancsek, LPCC-S
This article explains how counselors help clients see through unrealistic messages that lead to body image issues. Social media and online advertising created unrealistic expectations that can lead to body image issues. Counseling can help.
Become aware of the startling statistics about unrealistic body image messages in our society. Teach clients and their families the history and extent of the problem so they won’t be as willing to embrace unhealthy ideas that are offered to them through different media.
Self-Assessment Test
for Personal Stress
by Jim Swanson
The Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) was developed by Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe in 1967.
The scale is designed to identify major stressful life events and was based on the premise that such events, regardless of whether they’re positive or negative, might necessitate significant adjustment and, hence, induce stress.
Help for Survivors of Sexual Assault
by Mike Hovancsek, LPCC-S
This article explains how counselors help clients who have been sexually assaulted process their grief and trauma.
Every year 284,000 Americans age 12 or older are sexually assaulted or raped. College campuses are no exception. It is estimated that 20% of women and 4% of males are sexually assaulted during their college years. Many of these people never tell anyone or report the crime.
What are the Signs of an Opioid Overdose?
by Townhall II
Learn what causes an opioid overdose, how to identify the symptoms and how to counteract it.
Opioid overdoses kill tens of thousands of people in the United States every year. Knowing the signs of an overdose and how to treat it could help save someone’s life. This brief guide will help you understand more about how to identify symptoms and help in a crisis.
Serenity House to
open in Ravenna
by Townhall II
Serenity House is a paternership between Townhall II and Neighborhood Development Services
Serenity House will provide shelter for Portage County’s most vulnerable residents.